If you don't have a Halloween costume yet, don't fret!
Thanks to our friends — and expert designers — Genevieve Gorder and John Gidding, we have two costume ideas that you can DIY in minutes (and on the cheap!).

To create her spider costume, Genevieve visited Jack's, a dollar store in NYC, and bought leggings (for $3.99), a 99-cent tablecloth and a marker for her web, an umbrella (which conveniently has 8 legs!) and a stuffed Christmas penguin for the body of the spider.
(Spoiler: She concealed the penguin with the fabric of her umbrella.)

Who needs a fancy, store-bought mummy costume when you can make one on your own with bedsheets and dough?!
That's right! John wore long Johns, dipped cut-up bedsheets in coffee and flour (to get that ancient look), and slathered his face with wet dough and foundation.
The "drippy skin" freaked Rach out, so he had to have done something right!